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Therapist and Patient


Our membership application is currently paused, but please sign up below to be notified when the next round opens!

Thank you to everyone who applied during the first two membership application rounds!

Current Membership Application Status
(as of Jun 2024)

We were thrilled to launch Pro-Choice Therapists in May 2023 with over 190 therapists from coast to coast.


We held a second membership application wave from February to May 2024 and received an additional 130 applications which are currently in review. We expect to complete this review and update the online provider finder by the end of summer 2024. 


To give us time to review and welcome new members and continue making updates to the website, our new member application process is currently paused.


We look forward to re-opening the next round of member applications later in 2024!


Subscribe to Receive Updates

Please subscribe below to receive updates from us, including details for the next application round. And, follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our latest news.

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Thanks for signing up!

Benefits of Membership

Becoming a member allows you to add your name to our national directory of pro-choice therapists and provides exclusive access to trainings, educational materials and resources, and networking.


Questions? Contact us here!

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